SoulEV OBD2 Bluetooth

Re: SoulEV OBD2 Bluetooth

  • Beiträge: 93
  • Registriert: Fr 27. Nov 2015, 13:27
  • Wohnort: Jeju
  • Danke erhalten: 6 Mal
The original decoding of the Soul EV CANbus was done by Alkl from this forum. The German sensor names are still there on this sheet. - ... 1176199607

The deterioration counters however were found by me. They measure deterioration from total capacity not SOH which is usable capacity. From observation we have found there is a 10% buffer which is lost first before any loss of SOH occurs. It is from this observation that the calculations of SOH can be made. There is a lengthy thread discussing details of our findings here - Battery Ageing Model

The climate temperature sensor does exist. The required PID code is directly on the CANbus, rather than being a response from a request to a specific ECU. I have never managed to get torque to properly filter these PIDs. Tools such as OVMS can easily do this, which is why in the long run OVMS is probably a better alternative. But OVMS is not currently available due to the transition between version 2 and version 3 hardware.
The codes for using Torque Pro with an OBD2 adapter to display battery info are here -

Re: SoulEV OBD2 Bluetooth

  • Beiträge: 692
  • Registriert: Mo 3. Apr 2017, 15:21
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Hello JejuSoul,

thanks once more. Climate temperature is not important for me. I look first for battery and charging Information.
The most values, i want to see are available right now, and so i'm happy to get them. But there are some outstanding issues like current at fastcharge. This for example, I could not check, because there was no fastcharge since my Torque is working.
Some charging PID's seem not to work, but i'd like to have a deeper look on your linked sites.

Other thing is to learn something more about spezial PID's.
In the sheet from SoulEV2016 you can see for example: "Cumulative Energy Charged" is less than "Discharged".
Does that mean, the value "Charged" shows no Reku and no fastcharge? Normaly you have to expect a greater value at "Charge" because of losses from BMS (or i'm wrong?).
Other Thing: you've explained "detorioration", but isnt it a value that grows with the battery age? In the middle of the sheet the values are enlarged and than once more reduced.

By the way, the tip with Bluetooth and Torque is from Alkl. For my use it is the correct way (Thanks to him).

best regards

Re: SoulEV OBD2 Bluetooth

  • Beiträge: 93
  • Registriert: Fr 27. Nov 2015, 13:27
  • Wohnort: Jeju
  • Danke erhalten: 6 Mal
The deterioration counters are produced by an algorithm inside the BMS. They can go up and down. For instance it depends on how well the battery is calibrated. The long term trend for deterioration must always be down. Here is my car.
There is a new version of the BMS that is being given at yearly service. We do not know if the algorithm is the same or not. More data from cars with the new BMS would be great to get.

In all cars other than SoulEV2016s Energy Charged > Energy Discharged. ( Other than in a brand new battery which is created in a charged state. ) Why his car is special, we don't know. Although we do know, both his driving style and charging style are unique. That may not be a coincidence.
The codes for using Torque Pro with an OBD2 adapter to display battery info are here -

Re: SoulEV OBD2 Bluetooth

  • Beiträge: 692
  • Registriert: Mo 3. Apr 2017, 15:21
  • Hat sich bedankt: 11 Mal
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;) Hello,

ok, now i think to understand detorioration. If you use 80% (fast)charge for a longer time, the deterioration grows up and you know that the car need 100% (slow)charge to balance and calibrate; right?

Regarding Energy Charged/Discharged, my car looks like SoulEV2016.

My Soul was build in 6/2016, is on street since 7/2016 and i'm the owner since 3/2017.
Milage ~6000km at purchase and ~9600km this week (my wife like the car very well... ;) ).
Software from 2015.

If i calculate total Discharged (greater value) through total milage i get a value ~20kwh/100km (dashboard shows actual 14,4 Kwh/100; Sun is shining, no winter... ;) ).
The same calculation at SoulEV2016s last entry say's 36,5Kwh/100 :shock: ; misterious :( .


Re: SoulEV OBD2 Bluetooth

  • Smartpanel
  • Beiträge: 832
  • Registriert: Sa 16. Jan 2016, 16:26
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After connection to Torque is completed, a red blinking message still displays: "Profile - not supported"
But "Adapter Status" screen shows 4 green hooks.
I can see the VIN of the Kia Soul listed, so there is at least some communication possible

All csv files are in the hidden directory, I can see them listed under "preconfiguered PID set".
But nothing happens when choosing one of them.

The Kia dash file is in the dash directory.
I can see the file listed when trying to import the layout.
But after importing this dash layout I only have 8 empty dash screens.

What can be wrong ? How can I add the obviously missing profile ?
Torque version 1.8.16, German version, Soul 2016, ELM 327 mini, Android 5.1.1

Re: SoulEV OBD2 Bluetooth

  • Beiträge: 692
  • Registriert: Mo 3. Apr 2017, 15:21
  • Hat sich bedankt: 11 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 154 Mal
Hello Smartpanel,

Profile is not important, it's for fuel-cars to calculate some fuel-things.

Please use "Einstellungen>Zusätzliche PIDs/Sensoren>Vorkonfiguriertes Set hinzufügen"
The PIDs only works when the "list" is loaded and it depends on your car-software.
Not all PIDs are working, but it's a good idea to follow the entrys from JejuSoul.

Please notice: from now i'm offline for more than a week because off a electric journey


Re: SoulEV OBD2 Bluetooth / detorioration

  • Beiträge: 692
  • Registriert: Mo 3. Apr 2017, 15:21
  • Hat sich bedankt: 11 Mal
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JejuSoul : The deterioration counters are produced by an algorithm inside the BMS. They can go up and down. For instance it depends on how well the battery is calibrated. The long term trend for deterioration must always be down

folgende Beobachtung:
während einer längeren Reise mit nicht ausschließlichem, aber doch mehrmaligen Laden an 50KW CHADEMO,
kletterte der Wert für max-detorioration von 1,5 auf 4,5%.
Seitdem wurde im Bereich bis 6,6KW geladen.
Bei jeder Langsam- bis Normal-(6,6KW) Ladung auf 100% (Abschalten durchs Fahrzeug) nimmt der Wert wieder um 0,5% ab und steht jetzt bei 2,5%.
Der Soul scheint demnach immer nur ein begrenztes Balancing durchzuführen.

min-detorioration hatte ich leider nicht gemonitort

Reisestrecke > 1800km
Laden 50KW CHADEMO = 5x von unterschiedlicher Entladetiefe auf 84%, kein Nachkarten auf über 90%
Laden Normal mit unterschiedlichem Abbruch = 4x
Laden Normal bis 100% = 4x
(Laden = Laden während der Reise)


Re: SoulEV OBD2 Bluetooth / detorioration

  • Beiträge: 93
  • Registriert: Fr 27. Nov 2015, 13:27
  • Wohnort: Jeju
  • Danke erhalten: 6 Mal
hk12 hat geschrieben:....Der Soul scheint demnach immer nur ein begrenztes Balancing durchzuführen...
Calibration and Balancing are not the same thing.
To understand Calibration see - ... alibration

Calibration will not occur at a Chademo fast charger. But it does spend time balancing the cells.
Cell Balancing on the Soul EV is very good. You can monitor this with the PID Cell Voltage Deviation.

I have been testing this same effect on a 5 year old Kia Ray EV over the last few weeks.
After repeated Chademo fast charges the battery capacity will 'drop'. It will be 'restored' by slow charges to 100%
Note the actual battery cells did not degrade and recover, the BMS just thought they did because it lost calibration.
Ray deterioration.png
The codes for using Torque Pro with an OBD2 adapter to display battery info are here -

Re: SoulEV OBD2 Bluetooth

  • Beiträge: 692
  • Registriert: Mo 3. Apr 2017, 15:21
  • Hat sich bedankt: 11 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 154 Mal
Hallo JejuSoul,

da Du offensichtlich problemlos mitliest, antworte ich auf Deutsch.

Vielen Dank für die gute Erklärung. Ich werde den " PID Cell Voltage Deviation" am Nachmittag genauer ansehen.
Dem Link bin ich gefolgt und habe ihn teilweise gelesen (Rest folgt aus Zeitgründen später).

Wie tief und in welchen Abständen sollte man den Soul entladen um die Kalibrierung optimal durchzuführen (die Angaben von Appel sind da ja nicht unbedingt maßgeblich).

Ich wußte gar nicht das es den RAY EV gibt. Auf dem deutschen Markt ist er wohl nicht verfügbar?!
Wie groß ist sein(e) Akku, Reichweite?


Re: SoulEV OBD2 Bluetooth

  • Beiträge: 93
  • Registriert: Fr 27. Nov 2015, 13:27
  • Wohnort: Jeju
  • Danke erhalten: 6 Mal
hk12 hat geschrieben:...Wie tief und in welchen Abständen sollte man den Soul entladen um die Kalibrierung optimal durchzuführen (die Angaben von Appel sind da ja nicht unbedingt maßgeblich)..
To calibrate the battery you must charge to 100%, drive down below 10%, and then charge back up to 100%.
My Soul EV is 2 years old. I have been monitoring the battery for about 18 months now.
In that time I have done this calibration 4 times.
calib1.jpg (36.28 KiB) 2150 mal betrachtet
I do not usually charge my Soul EV to 100% unless I have to. I have never been below 10%. My car has driven nearly 40,000km and still has SOH 100%. The deterioration counters show I have lost about 9% from the total capacity. Calibration is not really an important issue when the car is still new.

But because I like the technical details.
Specifically the calibration occurs at 392.5 +/-0.1V battery voltage, 4.08V (0xCC) cell voltage and 91.5-92.5% SOC.

The Kia Ray EV is a predecessor to the Soul EV, also with an SK Innovation battery pack. Its range when new is about 100km. I have been renting an old Ray EV for the last few months and have been extensively testing the pack.

In the chart above where I show charging data for the Ray EV the J1772 charges are all from turtle to 100%. The Chademo are all from turtle to the SOC BMS 80% limit. (about 90% real).
I would never do this on my car. I have never driven down to turtle. I try to avoid 100% charges. I avoid Chademo especially in the summer heat. But now I have a rental car I have the chance to do this without worrying. In fact this is probably how rental cars are always used. Looking at the data I would say it doesn't make any difference to do it occasionally.
The codes for using Torque Pro with an OBD2 adapter to display battery info are here -

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