Leaf Spy (Pro) - Übersetzung ins Deutsche

Re: Leaf Spy (Pro) - Übersetzung ins Deutsche

Witzigerweise sehe ich dieses App-Abteil garnicht. Bei mir ist da immer der Reifendruck - und der funktioniert nie. Er sagt immer "Leaf must me moving to read tire pressure".

Ich werde hier die Datei posten bzw. den Text. Dann kann jeder Vorschläge machen.
Ich arbeite mich durch, und dann präsentiere ich es auch.

Das kann ruhig ein paar Tage in Anspruch nehmen - dann sind alle zufrieden und mehr Leute sehen auch mehr Fehler als einer alleine. Und wir haben alle was davon 8-)
Ladeinfrastruktur, Photovoltaik, Speicher, PV-Thermie: - https://www.nic-e.shop
Referral-Code: https://ts.la/stefan78696

Re: Leaf Spy (Pro) - Übersetzung ins Deutsche

Los gehts... Die Verschiebungen sind leider dem Forum geschuldet... sollte aber jeder so auch verstehen!
Das "Nicht" hat er schon eingefügt... hehe Ami halt :)

LINK ZU GOOGLE DRIVE ZUM ANSCHAUEN (ich bearbeite es laufend und ihr seht das Ergebnis und unten ist sein original... dann bitte einfach posten was IHR anders sehen würdet als meine Google Drive Arbeit... besonders was Elektrotechnische Dinge angeht seid ihr besser als ich!)

https://docs.google.com/document/d/15kq ... sp=sharing

Thank you very much for taking the time to translate these text strings. Add the translated string between the quote marks after the equal sign.
Format is:

SymbolName = “New Language” ‘ “English Word/Phrase” (explaination to give context of word/phrase)
Attention_ = “Achtung” ‘ "Attention" (Title for popups that require user input)
Yes_ = “Ja” ‘ "Yes"
No_ = “Nicht” ‘ "No"
sec_ = “” ‘ "sec" (Time, short form of seconds)
minute_ = “” ‘ “min” (Time, short form of minutes)
minutes_ = “” ‘ "minutes"
hr_ = "" ‘ “hr” (Time, short form of hours)
hours_ = “” ‘ "hours"
Choosefile_ = “” ‘ "Choose File" (from list)
ChooseDevice_ = “” ‘ "Choose Device" (from list)
ChooseNetwork_ = “” ‘ "Choose Network" (from list)
Ok_ = “” ‘ "Ok" (continue)
Cancel_ = “” ‘ "Cancel" (selection)
Clear_ = “” ‘ "Clear" (data from graph)
Save_ = “” ‘ "Save" (data to SD card)
saved_ = “” ‘ "Saved" (data to SD card)
Load_ = “” ‘ "Load" (data from SD card)
Red_ = “” ‘ "Red" (color of line on graph)
Blue_ = “” ‘ "Blue" (color of line on graph)
Green_ = “” ‘ "Green" (color of line on graph)
Cyan_ = “” ‘ "Cyan" (color of line on graph)
Magenta_ = “” ‘ "Magenta" (color of line on graph)
Black_ = “” ‘ "Black" (color of line on graph)
White_ = “” ‘ "White" (clor of line on graph)
of_ = “” ‘ "of" (as in 1 of 4)
Elevation_ = “” ‘ "Elevation" (in feet/meters)
Speed_ = “” ‘ "Speed" ( mph km/hr)
Meters_ = “” ‘ "Meters"
Feet_ = “” ‘ "Feet"
Miles_ = “” ‘ "Miles"
KM_ = “” ‘ "km"
AllCellsOk_ = “” ‘ "All Cells OK"
BadCells_ = “” ‘ "Weak Cells" (battery cells)
GPSNotValid_ = “” ‘ "GPS not Valid"
Seconds_ = “” ‘ "Seconds" (long form)
Power_ = “” ‘ "Power" (as in watts of power)
Pwr_ = “” ‘ "Pwr" (watts shorter form i.e. Pwr instead of Power)
SOC_ = “” ‘ "SOC" (State of Charge)
min_ = “” ‘ "min" (short form minimum)
avg_ = “” ‘ "avg" (short form average)
max_ = “” ‘ "max" (short form maximum)
Temperature_ = “” ‘ "Temp" (short form temperature)
Scale_ = “” ‘ "Scale" (Graph Scale x/y axis)
Shunts_ = “” ‘ "Shunts" (as in bypass)
Sensors_ = “” ‘ "Sensors" (that measure temperature)
ChargingPower_ = “” ‘ "Charging Power" (title of graph)
MotorPwr_Accel_ = “” ‘ "Motor Power and Accelerator"
BrakingG_ = “” ‘ "Braking" '(title for graph showing braking energy)
Emulate_ = “” ‘ "Emulate" (simulate Leaf data within program)
Offline_ = “” ‘ "Offline"
Initialize_ = “” ‘ "Initialize"
Select_ = “” ‘ "Select"
ServiceStart_ = “” ‘ "Service Start" (Service routine has been started)
Wait4_ = “” ‘ "Wait 4"
Connected_ = “” ‘ "Connected" (Bluetooth connected)
Retry_ = “” ‘ "Retry"
Looking4_ = “” ‘ "Looking 4"
Disable_ = “” ‘ "Disable" (Bluetooth or WiFi turned off)
On_ = “” ‘ "On" (as in active)
Off_ = “” ‘ "Off"
Connect2_ = “” ‘ "Connect to"
nowon_ = “” ‘ "now On"
nowoff_ = “” ‘ "now Off"
Using_ = “” ‘ "Using"
Unknown_ = “” ‘ "Unknown"
TaptoFreeze_ = “” ‘ "TAP to Freeze" (keep from changing screens or having screen updated)
EnableWiFi_ = “” ‘ "Do you want to Enable WiFi?"
EnableBT_ = “” ‘ "Do you want to Enable Bluetooth?"

TaptoZoom_ = “” ‘ "TAP to Zoom" (enter zoom mode by tapping screen)
TapCenter_ = “” ‘ "tap center" (tap center of screen to select next version of screen)
ScreenFrozen_ = “” ‘ "Screen Frozen" (will not change)
ZoomScroll_ = “” ‘ "Zoom / Scroll"
Reset_ = “” ‘ "Reset"
Remain_ = “” ‘ "Remain" (amount of energy left in battery)
VoltageHist_ = “” ‘ "Voltage Histogram" (title of screen)
CellPairCnt_ = “” ‘ "Cell Pair Count" (y axis label)
MaxVoltageDiff_ = “” ‘ "Max Voltage Diff"
BatSts_ = “” ‘ "Bat Sts"
odo_ = “” ‘ "odo" (miles driven)
AboutHelp_ = “” ‘ "About & Help" (button label to bring up About/Help screens)
Exit_ = “” ‘ "Exit" (exit application)

About_ = “” ‘ "About" (About application screen)
Change_ = “” ‘ "Change" (application change history)
History_ = “” ‘ "History" (Application change history)
Done_ = “” ‘ "Done"
App_ = “” ‘ "Application"
Help_ = “” ‘ "Help"

Settings_ = “” ‘ "Settings" (application settings menu)
Backup_ = “” ‘ "Backup" (Backup settings to SD card)
Restore_ = “” ‘ "Restore" (Restore settings from SD card)
BkupSettings_ = “” ‘ "Backup Settings?" (Confirmation question to continue with backup)
RestorSettings_ = “” ‘ "Restore Settings?" (confirmation question to continue restore)
BkupRestored_ = “” ‘ "Backup settings restored." (backed up was successfully restored)
BkupRestoreFail_ = “” ‘ "Sorry, Unable to restore settings."
BkupSetSaved_ = “” ‘ "Backup settings saved."
NoBkupSetFound_ = “” ‘ "Sorry, No Backup Settings found."
BkupSetNotSaved_ = “” ‘ "Could not Backup settings!"
SetttingsNotSaved_ = “” ‘ "Could not Save Settings!"
ReloadSettings_ = “” ‘ "Reloading Settings."
Overwrite_ = “” ‘ "Overwrite"
CanNotSaveElvData_ = “” ‘ "Error, Can not save elevation data!"
CanNotSaveChgData_ = “” ‘ "Error, Can not save charge data!"
ElvSpeedData_ = “” ‘ "Elv/Speed Data"
ChargeData_ = “” ‘ "Charge Data" (graph of power used to charge battery)
ResetFont_ = “” ‘ "Please reset Android Font Size to ""Normal"
BacktoExit_ = “” ‘ "First use Back button to exit Text Viewer."
GPSmsg1_ = “” ‘ "To log GPS location GPS hardware must be ON."
GPSmsg2_ = “” ‘ "Select ""Yes"" to go to Location services to enable GPS or"
GPSmsg3_ = “” ‘ """No"" to disable logging GPS location."
GPSmsg4_ = “” ‘ "G P S H a r d w a r e i s O F F !"

Units_ = “” ‘ "Units" (Units used in app)
Imperial_ = “” ‘ "Feet, mile, mph"
Metric_ = “” ‘ "Meters, km, km/h"

Language_ = “” ‘ "Language" (language to be used)
ModelYear_ = “” ‘ "Model Year" (model year of Leaf)

Range_ = “” ‘ "Range"
AltDTE_ = “” ‘ "Use temperature (Bat & Air) to adjust DTE" (Use battery and ambient temperature to adjust range calculation)
Reserved_ = “” ‘ "Reserved" (Amount of energy Reserved and not included in range calculation)

System_ = “” ‘ "System" (System settings menu title)
BluetoothPort_ = “” ‘ "Bluetooth Port=” ((Select Bluetooth Port number)
Secure_ = “” ‘ "Secure" (secure form of Bluetooth connection)
StayAwake_ = “” ‘ "Stay Awake" (keep phone from going to sleep, turning off display)
DisplayBright_ = “” ‘ "Display Bright" (keep screen from dimming)
AutoEnDsBT_ = “” ‘ "Auto Enable & Disable Bluetooth" (app automatically turns on/off Bluetooth as needed)
OnExit_ = “” ‘ "On Exit force BT off" (force Bluetooth off when exiting application)
AutoPairing_ = “” ‘ "Enable Auto BT Pairing Key Used"
ConnectSecure_ = “” ‘ "Trying to connect Secure to xxx"
ConnectPort_ = “” ‘ "Trying to connect with Port xxx"
DisableEmulate_ = “” ‘ "Disable Emulate Leaf"
Emulate_ = “” ‘ "Emulate Leaf"
BTDevices_ = “” ‘ "Bluetooth Paired Devices"
WiFiDevices_ = “” ‘ "WiFi Devices"
WorkOffline_ = “” ‘ "Work Offline"
DeviceList_ = “” ‘ "Device list"
TurnOnBT_ = “” ‘ "Turning On Bluetooth"
TurnOnWiFi_ = “” ‘ "Turning On WiFi"
BTnotOn_ = “” ‘ "Sorry, not able to turn on Bluetooth!"

SearchNetwork_ = “” ‘ "Searching for Networks"
EnterWiFiPW_ = “” ‘ "Enter WiFi WPA Password"
LeaveBlank_ = “” ‘ "Leave blank for OPEN WiFi"
WAPPassword_ = “” ‘ "WPA Password for xxx"

WiFiPWHelp_ = “” ‘ "If your WiFi OBDII adapter requires a password enter it here otherwise leave it blank."
HelpWiFiPW_ = “” ‘ "Help for WiFi Password"
AlreadyConnect_ = “” ‘ "Already connected to xxx"
WiFiNotEnabled_ = “” ‘ "Error WiFi has not been enabled!"

EnterPairPW_ = “” ‘ "Enter Pairing Code"
PWnormally_ = “” ‘ "Normally 1234 (must be four digits)"
PairCode_ = “” ‘ "Pairing Code for xxx"
HelpPairCode_ = “” ‘ "If 'Auto BT Pairing' has been enabled in Settings, this code will be used to automatically Pair with the ELM327 if needed."
PairCodeHelp_ = “” ‘ "Pairing Code Help"
TryConnect_ = “” ‘ "Trying to connect to xxx"

Battery_ = “” ‘ "Battery" (Battery menu title)
RestoreDefault_ = “” ‘ "Restore Defaults" (Restore Default settings)
ResetWhCntr_ = “” ‘ "Config Wh Counter"
ShuntOrder_ = “” ‘ "Shunt Order" (specifiy order of shunts)
NomVoltage_ = “” ‘ "Nom. Voltage" (nominal battery voltage)
AppStart_ = “” ‘ "App Start & 1st Connect, D+C" (reset counter automatically under these conditions)
OnlyManuallyDrChrg = “” ‘ "Reset Manually, Drive+Chrg" (reset counter only by user action)
OnlyManuallyOnlyDr_ = “” ‘ "Reset Manually, Only Drive" (reset counter only by user action)
AuxWh_ = “” ‘ "User Wh Counter*"
PackVoltageHelp_ = “” ‘ "Pack Voltage must be between 300 to 450 volts"
ShuntOrderHelp_ = “” ‘ "Invalid Shunt Order. Only 1,2,4,8 digits allowed!"

Logging_ = “” ‘ "Logging"
EnableLog_ = “” ‘ "Enable Data Logging"
GPSextPwr_ = “” ‘ "Always keep GPS active"
EnableGPS_ = “” ‘ "Enable GPS"
AppendDate_ = “” ‘ "Append YYMMDD to file name"
Status_ = “” ‘ "Status"
NoSDcard_ = “” ‘ "No SD Card Available"
BytesAvail_ = “” ‘ "Bytes Available"
ForceLog_ = “” ‘ "Force Trip Log"
LogEntries_ = “” ‘ "Log Entries"
Default_ = “” ‘ "Default"
MDY_ = “” ‘ "Month Day Year"
DMY_ = “” ‘ "Day Month Year"
YMD_ = “” ‘ "Year Month Day"
NoSpace_ = “” ‘ "Not Enough Space" (SD card is full)
LogDisabled_ = “” ‘ "All Logging has been Disabled"
SDFull_ = “” ‘ "No SD Card or it is FULL!"
SDNearFull_ = “” ‘ "SD Card nearly FULL!"

Histogram_ = “” ‘ "Trip Distance"
ChgWindowSize_ = “” ‘ "Change Window Size" (of histogram)

Braking_ = “” ‘ "Braking & Motor Monitor" (title for graph showing braking/motor energy)

Screen_ = “” ‘ "Screen" (display screen)
AutoSensor_ = “” ‘ "Auto (Sensor)" (use auto orientation sensor to roate screen)
Landscape_ = “” ‘ "Landscape" (screen orientation)
Portrait_ = “” ‘ "Portrait" (screen orientation)
LandscapeSensor_ = “” ‘ "Landscape - Sensor"
PortraitSensor_ = “” ‘ "Portrait - Sensor"
RevLandscape_ = “” ‘ "Reversed Landscape"
RevPortrait_ = “” ‘ "Reversed Portrait"
HideConnectSts_ = “” ‘ "Hide Connect Status"
BackGround_ = “” ‘ "Background" (as in background color)
Text_ = “” ‘ "Text" (as in text color)
Sample_ = “” ‘ "Sample" (as in example)
Pick_ = “” ‘ "Pick" (as in pick color)
Bars_ = “” ‘ "Bars" (as in graph bars)
Axis_ = “” ‘ "Axis" (as in graph x/y axis)
Color_ = “” ‘ "Color"
ChartColors_ = “” ‘ "Chart Colors" (background color of graph)
TempColors_ = “” ‘ "Temperature Colors" (assign colors to bars in graph based on temperature being represented)

ResetTempColors_ = “” ‘ "Reset Temperature Colors" (restore temperature to color mapping to default)
ObscureVIN_ = “” ‘ "Obscure VIN" (modify Vehicle Identification Number so it does not match true value but still unique)
DefaultNightMode_ = “” ‘ "Default Night Mode" (on program start up default to night mode i.e. dim colors)

Statistics_ = “” ‘ "Statistics" (application data transfer statistics)
GoodReads_ = “” ‘ "Good Frames"
FailedReads_ = “” ‘ "Bad Frames"
PCSuccessful_ = “” ‘ "Successful" (successful reads)
Retries_ = “” ‘ "Retries" (number of read retries)
BadHex_ = “” ‘ "Bad Hex" (count of invalid hexadecimal data read)

TirePressure_ = “” ‘ "Tire Pressure"
AlternateDisplay_ = “” ‘ "Alternate Tire / Temp Display" (alternate between displaying tire PSI and battery temperature)
SoundAlarm_ = “” ‘ "Sound Alarm" (if specified values out of range)
WarnAtBelow_ = “” ‘ "Warn at/below" (warn if tire pressure at or below set value)
DeltaWarning_ = “” ‘ "Delta Warning" (warn if difference between any two tires greater than set value)
Disabled_ = “” ‘ "Disabled"
TireAlarm1_ = “” ‘ "Tire Pressure Warning!"
TireAlarm2_ = “” ‘ "Tap Tire panel to clear" (tap PSI panel on screen to silence alarm)

BatteryTemp_ = “” ‘ "Battery Temperature"
ServiceScreen_ = “” ‘ "Service Screen"
Enable_ = “” ‘ "Enable"

Debug_ = “” ‘ "Debug" (title of debug menu)
TestMode_ = “” ‘ "Test Mode"
BrakeMotorComb_ = “” ‘ "Brake & Motor Combined" (display both Braking and Motor data at the same time)
TraceELM_ = “” ‘ "Trace ELM (on LeafSpy restart)" (enable an ELM trace when the application is restarted)
EnableBrakeMotor_ = “” ‘ "Enable Brake & Motor Screens"
Temps_ = “” ‘ "Temps" (shorten form of temperature)
CellPairs_ = “” ‘ "Cell Pairs" (Battery cell pairs)
MultiFrame_ = “” ‘ "Multi Frame Delay" (Delay used between frames)
FastestNoDelay_ = “” ‘ "fastest, no delay"
Experimental_ = “” ‘ "Experimental Feature"
MonitorWarning1_ = “” ‘ "May not work on some devices."
MonitorWarning2_ = “” ‘ "Disable feature if app hangs."

ServiceMenu_ = “” ‘ "Service Menu"

DoorSettings_ = “” ‘ "Door Lock/Unlock Settings"
DrPresses_ = “” ‘ "Presses to unlock all doors" ( number of presses of the door unlock button to unlock all doors)
Automatic_ = “” ‘ "Automatic"
AutoLock_ = “” ‘ "Auto Lock"
AutoUnLock_ = “” ‘ "Auto Unlock"
Change_ = “” ‘ "Change"

LockUnlock_ = “” ‘ "Lock & Unlock"
UnLockOnly_ = “” ‘ "Unlock Only"
LockOnly_ = “” ‘ "Lock Only"
Off_ = “” ‘ "Off"
At15MPH_ = “” ‘ "At 15 MPH"
OutofPark_ = “” ‘ "Out of Park"
AllDoors_ = “” ‘ "All Doors"
DriverDr_ = “” ‘ "Driver Dr"
Mode_ = “” ‘ "Mode"
unused_ = “” ‘ "unused"
ShiftintoPark_ = “” ‘ "Shift into Park"
Ignition_ = “” ‘ "Ign"
OnToOff_ = “” ‘ "ON->OFF"

RegisterTires_ = “” ‘ "Register Tire Positions"
StartTireReg_ = “” ‘ "Start Tire Reg"
StopTireReg_ = “” ‘ "Stop Tire Reg"
FL_ = “” ‘ "FL"
FR_ = “” ‘ "FR"
RR_ = “” ‘ "RR"
RL_ = “” ‘ "RL"
Idle_ = “” ‘ "Idle"
Busy_ = “” ‘ "Busy"
Done_ = “” ‘ "Done"
Fail_ = “” ‘ "Fail" (operation failed to complete)
TRegIns2_ = “” ‘ "Drive, if pressures are listed hi to low, Done"
TRegIns3_ = “” ‘ "Otherwise press ""Start Tire Reg"" button."
TRegIns4_ = “” ‘ "Drive at more than 25MPH. Monitor status."
TRegIns5_ = “” ‘ "When button changes Yellow --> Blue Done"
TRegIns6_ = “” ‘ "Re-inflate all Tires back to correct pressure."
TRegMsg1_ = “” ‘ "Register Tires?"
TRegMsg2_ = “” ‘ "Are Tire Pressures set correctly?"
If PSIunits Then
TPressures_ = “” ‘ "35 32 29 26"
TRegIns1_ = “” ‘ "Set Pressures to FL=35, FR=32, RR=29, RL=26"
TRegMsg3_ = “” ‘ "FL=35 FR=32 RR=29 RL=26"
TPressures_ = “” ‘ "2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8"
TRegIns1_ = “” ‘ "Set Pressures to FL=2.4 FR=2.2 RR=2.0 RL=1.8"
TRegMsg3_ = “” ‘ "FL=2.4 FR=2.2 RR=2.0 RL=1.8"
End If
TRegMsg4_ = “” ‘ "Proceed with Tire Registration?"
TRegMsg5_ = “” ‘ "Drive at more than 25 MPH for 5 minutes or more"
TRegMsg6_ = “” ‘ "A R E Y O U S U R E ?"
TRegFail1_ = “” ‘ "Please verify tires have been set to the correct pressures and your tire gauge is accurate."
TRegFail2_ = “” ‘ "Sorry, Tire Registration Failed"

ReadDTCs_ = “” ‘ "Read DTCs"
ReadingDTCs_ = “” ‘ "Reading DTC..."
ClearDTCs_ = “” ‘ "Clear DTCs"
PleaseWait_ = “” ‘ "Please Wait"
ClearDTCFFD_ = “” ‘ "Clear DTC & FFD"
ConnToLEAF_ = “” ‘ "Connect to Leaf to Enable"
RefreshDTCs_ = “” ‘ "Refresh DTCs to Enable"
DTCwarn1_ = “” ‘ "Clear ALL DTCs and Freeze Frame Data from xxx"
DTCwarn2_ = “” ‘ "Do not clear DTCs that you do not understand the cause!"
DTCwarn3_ = “” ‘ "Clearing DTCs may impact Nissan's ability to diagnose a problem."

ExitMsg_ = “” ‘ "Do you really want to quit the program?"
TurnOffBT_ = “” ‘ "Please wait while Bluetooth is being disabled"
BTConRefused_ = “” ‘ "Bluetooth Connection refused."
BTBusy_ = “” ‘ "Bluetooth Device or Resource busy."
BTHostDown_ = “” ‘ "Bluetooth Host is down."
Retrying_ = “” ‘ "Retrying..."
BTDiscoverFail_ = “” ‘ "Bluetooth Service discovery failed"
BTConNCreat_ = “” ‘ "Bluetooth Connection not created."
AutoPairActive_ = “” ‘ "Auto Pairing Active"

ELM15msg1_ = “” ‘ "Sorry, your ELM327 does not support AT command xxx which is needed to communicate with your Leaf. Please try a different ELM327."
ELM21msg1_ = “” ‘ "Sorry, your v2.1 ELM327 does not support AT command xxx which is needed to communicate with your Leaf. Please try a v1.5 ELM327. "
ELMmsg2_ = “” ‘ "This ELM can be used with the Torque app for ICE/Hybrid vehicles just not the Leaf."

Menu_ = “” ‘ "Menu"
ZoomIn_ = “” ‘ "Tap here to Zoom In" ' update Japanese
ZoomOut_ = “” ‘ "Tap here to Zoom Out" ' update Japanese
NightMode_ = “” ‘ "Night Mode"
UnFreeze_ = “” ‘ "Unfreeze to zoom"
ChgScreen_ = “” ‘ "or change screens"
PageFwd_ = “” ‘ "Page Forward"
PageBck_ = “” ‘ "Page Back"
ShortTap_ = “” ‘ "short tap"
LongTap_ = “” ‘ "long tap"
TapHere_ = “” ‘ "Tap Here to view next graph"
UnFreeze2_ = “” ‘ "Unfreeze to change screens"
TwoFingers_ = “” ‘ "Use two fingers"&CRLF&"to Zoom In/Out"
OneFinger_ = “” ‘ "Use finger to"&CRLF&"Scroll left/right" ' update Japanese
SwapPT_ = “” ‘ "Swap Tire/Temp display"
DisAlt_ = “” ‘ "Disable Alternate"
EnAlt_ = “” ‘ "Enable Alternate"
LoadCountDown_ = “” ‘ "Load Countdown"
ChgSltData_ = “” ‘ "Change Selectable Data"
SltDataArea_ = “” ‘ "Selectable"&CRLF&"Data Area"
ChgOrder_ = “” ‘ "Change Order"
UsedRegen_ = “” ‘ "Used or Regen"
ChgEngyDis_ = “” ‘ "Change"&CRLF&"Energy"&CRLF&"Display"
AreaDisable_ = “” ‘ "This area disabled in Freeze mode"
Use_ = “” ‘ "Use"
LargerFont_ = “” ‘ "Larger Font"
SmallerFont_ = “” ‘ "Smaller Font"
ViewTripLog_ = “” ‘ "View Trip Log"
LoadTrip_ = “” ‘ "Loading Trip Log File"
NoTripLog_ = “” ‘ "Sorry, No Trip Log found."
TripLogError_ = “” ‘ "Sorry, Trip Log Error"

Trip_ = “” ‘ "Trip"
Charge_ = “” ‘ "Chrg"
notsaved_ = “” ‘ "Not Saved"

EnergyCounter_ = “” ‘ "Energy Counters"
lblAltPSI_ = “” ‘ "Use alternate method to read Tires"

ChgTireLoc_ = “” ‘ "Change Tire Display Location"
EnableRemap_ = “” ‘ "Enable Tire Remapping"
SwapFBpos_ = “” ‘ "Swap Front/Rear positions"
SwapFLRpos_ = “” ‘ "Swap Front Left/Right"
SwapBLRpos_ = “” ‘ "Swap Rear Left/Right"
UpdateTireRot_ = “” ‘ "Update Display after Tire Rotation"
EnableVirtualRot_ = “” ‘ "Enable Virtual Tire Registration"

Dropbox_ = “” ‘ "Dropbox"
SyncInterval_ = “” ‘ "Sync Interval"
LogFiles_ = “” ‘ "Log Files"
ChrgElvFiles_ = “” ‘ "Charge & Elevation Files"
TrcErrFiles_ = “” ‘ "Trace & Error Files"
OnlyWiFi_ = “” ‘ "Use only WiFi"

Notify_ = “” ‘ "Notification"
NotifyInternal_ = “” ‘ "Notify Interval"
OnGidChng_ = “” ‘ "On Gid change"
EnableNSound_ = “” ‘ "Enable Sound"

Options_ = “” ‘ "Options"
SkipHdLite_ = “” ‘ "Skip Reading Headlight Status"

DBLinked_ = “” ‘ "Dropbox account linked"
DBFailed_ = “” ‘ "Dropbox account failed to link"

Standby_ = “” ‘ "Wait"
BatSize_ = “” ‘ "Battery Size"
OutsideTemp_ = “” ‘ "Outside"&CRLF&"Temp"
TempOffset_ = “” ‘ "Adjust outside temp offset"
SlowMode_ = “” ‘ "Enable slow Leaf transfer mode"
ExitonSave_ = “” ‘ "Exit after Trip/Chrg saved"
LeafMove_ = “” ‘ "Leaf must be moving to read tire pressures"
GPSoff_ = “” ‘ "GPS not enabled"
Search_ = “” ‘ "Searching..."
NoSound_ = “” ‘ "Disable Sound"
DisForceEnergy_ = “” ‘ "Disable forcing energy display"

OnlyPro_ = "" ' "Only Pro" (feature only available in Pro version of app)
OnlyProVer_ = "" ' "Only Pro Version" (feature only available in Pro version of app)
DisableLSL_ = "" ' "Disabled in xxx" (feature disabled in xxx, where xxx=Leaf Spy Lite)
btnRegSSID_ = “” ‘ "Register Current SSID as an OBDII Adapter"
lblTRegSSID_ = “” ‘ "OBDII Adapter SSID"
lblTCurSSID_ = “” ‘ "Current SSID"
Console_ = “” ‘ "Console"
BatteryCells_ = “” ‘ "Battery Cells"
Graphs_ = “” ‘ "Graphs"
Table_ = “” ‘ "Table"
Summary_ = “” ‘ "Summary"
LoadLog_ = “” ‘ "Loading Log"
TripLog_ = “” ‘ "Trip and Charge Log"
Network_ = “” ‘ "Network"
LongTap_ = “” ‘ "Use Long Tap to Select"
Offline_ = “” ‘ "Offline Mode Active"
NoOBDII_ = “” ‘ "No OBDII found"
CheckWiFi_ = “” ‘ "Check Wifi settings"
YesToRetry_ = “” ‘ "Select 'Yes' to retry"
Reconnect_ = “” ‘ "Reconnect"
LogArea_ = “” ‘ "Log Area"
EnableLoc_ = “” ‘ "Please enable Location Services for LeafSpy"
DisableGPS_ = “” ‘ "or Disable GPS in Settings"
LocNotEnabled_ = “” ‘ "Location Data Not Available"
Trip_ = “” ‘ "Trip"
Charge_ = “” ‘ "Chrg"
notsaved_ = “” ‘ "Not Saved"
Zuletzt geändert von Twizyflu am So 3. Jan 2016, 22:01, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Ladeinfrastruktur, Photovoltaik, Speicher, PV-Thermie: - https://www.nic-e.shop
Referral-Code: https://ts.la/stefan78696

Re: Leaf Spy (Pro) - Übersetzung ins Deutsche

Du musst auf das Reifendruck Feld einmal drauftippen, dann springt es auf die Anzeige um.
Gruß Bernd
Hyundai Kona (64/19er), 60,000 km, Kona (64/21er) 30.000 km
Leaf Tekna: 108.000 km Erfahrung/verkauft :-)
In Planung: Ford Streetka-E-Roadster.

Re: Leaf Spy (Pro) - Übersetzung ins Deutsche

Hab das glaub ich bis jetzt noch nie so probiert.
Das heißt also Leaf Spy ruft die Daten ab aber im Leaf sind die in Fahrenheit hinterlegt? Schade, dass er nicht einfach das vom kleinen Tachodisplay herausholt.

So hab mal ne Stunde übersetzt... bitte prüft mit mir. Halbzeit ist erreicht. Einiges ist schwierig, vor allem wünscht Jim sich, dass ich die "Anzahl der Zeichen pro Wort" einhalte so gut es geht (und in Englisch ist es einfacher als das einzudeutschen).

Alles was rot ist bedarf einer Prüfung (bin mir da unsicher) und bei XXXXX tue ich mir schwer. Hier ist auch manches technisch (Bedeutung mir unbekannt).

Hier bitte ich euch, die Community... :)

Ladeinfrastruktur, Photovoltaik, Speicher, PV-Thermie: - https://www.nic-e.shop
Referral-Code: https://ts.la/stefan78696

Re: Leaf Spy (Pro) - Übersetzung ins Deutsche

  • Beiträge: 114
  • Registriert: Mi 1. Mai 2013, 08:29
  • Wohnort: Oberwil
Ein paar Vorschläge:

Power_ = “XXXX” ‘ "Power" (as in watts of power) Da passt nur "Leistung" denn die wird in Watt gemessen.

Pwr_ = “XXXX” ‘ "Pwr" (watts shorter form i.e. Pwr instead of Power) "L." oder "Lstg."

Shunts_ = “Shunts” ‘ "Shunts" (as in bypass) "Shunts", der Begriff Shunt wird so auch im Deutschen verwendet

CellPairCnt_ = “XXXXX” ‘ "Cell Pair Count" (y axis label) "Anzahl Zellenpaare" oder "Anzahl Zellpaare"

ResetWhCntr_ = “XXXXXX” ‘ "Config Wh Counter" "Wh Anzeige einst."
DriverDr_ = “XXXXX” ‘ "Driver Dr" "Fahrertür"
Hyundai Ioniq electric
VW Passat B8

Re: Leaf Spy (Pro) - Übersetzung ins Deutsche

Vielen Dank sigma2.
Alle Vorschläge übernommen (einstell. statt einst.)

Bitte nur weiter so :)
Werd mich am abend nochmal davor setzen und schauen, dass ich durch komme :D
Ladeinfrastruktur, Photovoltaik, Speicher, PV-Thermie: - https://www.nic-e.shop
Referral-Code: https://ts.la/stefan78696

Re: Leaf Spy (Pro) - Übersetzung ins Deutsche

  • Zoelibat
  • Beiträge: 4362
  • Registriert: Mi 27. Aug 2014, 23:03
  • Wohnort: Zoe (Rückbank)
  • Hat sich bedankt: 283 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 213 Mal
Dropbox = Dropbox

Re: Leaf Spy (Pro) - Übersetzung ins Deutsche

Darauf wäre ich NIE gekommen.
Du hast mir alles gerettet Zoelibat :P
Ladeinfrastruktur, Photovoltaik, Speicher, PV-Thermie: - https://www.nic-e.shop
Referral-Code: https://ts.la/stefan78696

Re: Leaf Spy (Pro) - Übersetzung ins Deutsche

  • Beiträge: 114
  • Registriert: Mi 1. Mai 2013, 08:29
  • Wohnort: Oberwil
At15MPH_ = “Ab 15 MPH” ‘ "At 15 MPH" Hier müsste wohl die entsprechende Geschwindigkeit in km/h angegeben werden. Aber welche ist das? Müsste wohl der Programmierer festlegen.

Eine generelle Frage: Soll man die Ausdrücke in den Statistics, Debug und Trace Funktionen überhaupt ins Deutsche übertragen?
Hyundai Ioniq electric
VW Passat B8

Re: Leaf Spy (Pro) - Übersetzung ins Deutsche

Hier jetzt offen zur Bearbeitung:
Ist eine Kopie und ich gleiche es dann ab - ich denke gemeinsam ist man schneller wenn jemand will :) Ihr werdet sicher richtig damit umgehen :P

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_9t-W ... FWyYDE5tN0
Ladeinfrastruktur, Photovoltaik, Speicher, PV-Thermie: - https://www.nic-e.shop
Referral-Code: https://ts.la/stefan78696

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