OBD2 Diagnosegerät für Renault ZOE erhältlich!

Zubehör für den Renault ZOE

Re: OBD2 Diagnosegerät für Renault ZOE erhältlich!

  • Zoelibat
  • Beiträge: 4362
  • Registriert: Mi 27. Aug 2014, 23:03
  • Wohnort: Zoe (Rückbank)
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Bei mir hat sich vor kurzem der SOH auch um 1% nach oben bewegt.

Eine wundersame Heilung, ich brauchte nur meine Hände ans Lenkrad legen. Stelle hiermit meine Fähigkeiten als Akkuheiler gegen Gebühr zur Verfügung (Es wird keine Garantie zur erfolgreichen Heilung übernommen, bereits bezahlte Gelder werden nicht refundiert). ;-)

Re: OBD2 Diagnosegerät für Renault ZOE erhältlich!

  • Beiträge: 264
  • Registriert: Mo 2. Sep 2013, 15:08
  • Hat sich bedankt: 30 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 40 Mal
My apologies, the question about the cell count had fallen through the cracks.

The car has 192 pouch cells made by LG chem. Each cell is 3.75 volt, 36 Ah.
They are paired to form 96 cells, 3.75 V, 72 Ah.
8 of those pairs are wired in series into a module, that has its own temperature sensor. A module is 30 V, 72 Ah.
12 of those modules are fitted in the battery modules, so the back is rated 360 V, 72 Ah = 25.92 kWh
Jeroen - ZOE Q210 Nov 2013 - PV powered - CanZE co-developer http://canze.fisch.lu

Re: OBD2 Diagnosegerät für Renault ZOE erhältlich!

  • Beiträge: 323
  • Registriert: Di 17. Mär 2015, 00:21
  • Wohnort: Lustenau
  • Hat sich bedankt: 26 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 14 Mal
Hi Jeroen!
jmeijer hat geschrieben: They are paired to form 96 cells, 3.75 V, 72 Ah.
Very sad, that the voltage of these 96 cells cannot be shown in CanZE any more :shock:
I've heard, that there is a fix, but it is not yet published.
Why not?


Re: OBD2 Diagnosegerät für Renault ZOE erhältlich!

  • Beiträge: 264
  • Registriert: Mo 2. Sep 2013, 15:08
  • Hat sich bedankt: 30 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 40 Mal
I am confused, the cell voltage "heatmap" works on my end, i don't think it has been changed in ages.

Please check or report in https://github.com/fesch/CanZE/issues with details if there's something going on.
Jeroen - ZOE Q210 Nov 2013 - PV powered - CanZE co-developer http://canze.fisch.lu

Re: OBD2 Diagnosegerät für Renault ZOE erhältlich!

  • Beiträge: 323
  • Registriert: Di 17. Mär 2015, 00:21
  • Wohnort: Lustenau
  • Hat sich bedankt: 26 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 14 Mal
Hi Jeroen!

It's not the heatmap, I was talking about, it is the "flying red dots" on the Battery-screen, lower left, titled "Cell Voltages (V)"

jmeijer hat geschrieben:I am confused, the cell voltage "heatmap" works on my end, i don't think it has been changed in ages.

Please check or report in https://github.com/fesch/CanZE/issues with details if there's something going on.

Re: OBD2 Diagnosegerät für Renault ZOE erhältlich!

  • Beiträge: 264
  • Registriert: Mo 2. Sep 2013, 15:08
  • Hat sich bedankt: 30 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 40 Mal
Hi Manfred,

I then assume you are referring to issue #329. This has been fixed in release 1.12 which was released on April 11th. See screenshot.
If the solution is not working, please ammend / reopen issue #329 https://github.com/fesch/CanZE/issues/329 (I know it doesn't describe this issue, but the fix was posted under that one). I am stressing to follow this route as this particular part was not build by me and I am not the "issue-dispatcher/controller" ;-)

Jeroen - ZOE Q210 Nov 2013 - PV powered - CanZE co-developer http://canze.fisch.lu

Re: OBD2 Diagnosegerät für Renault ZOE erhältlich!

  • Beiträge: 323
  • Registriert: Di 17. Mär 2015, 00:21
  • Wohnort: Lustenau
  • Hat sich bedankt: 26 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 14 Mal
Hi Jeroen!

I have installed: Version 1.12 // Build: 2016.04.11 @ 07:56
And the bottom left field is empty :(

I have read about a fix, and that it will be implemented in next release.
And because it is not working for me, I am waiting for the next release, and waiting, waiting............
So this led to my question: "I've heard, that there is a fix, but it is not yet published."

Now I know: it is already released :D
An I have to do research, why it does not work on my device

Thank you, for making that clear.

jmeijer hat geschrieben:Hi Manfred,

I then assume you are referring to issue #329. This has been fixed in release 1.12 which was released on April 11th. See screenshot.
If the solution is not working, please ammend / reopen issue #329 https://github.com/fesch/CanZE/issues/329 (I know it doesn't describe this issue, but the fix was posted under that one). I am stressing to follow this route as this particular part was not build by me and I am not the "issue-dispatcher/controller" ;-)


Re: OBD2 Diagnosegerät für Renault ZOE erhältlich!

  • Beiträge: 264
  • Registriert: Mo 2. Sep 2013, 15:08
  • Hat sich bedankt: 30 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 40 Mal
Dera Manfred,

I can only say it works for my car - dongle - phone combination. There are always subtle differences that are sometimes hard to catch.

If you are up to it (but nobody expects this from you) you can get the source from github and have the day-to-day work. Otherwise, yeah, you have to wait until there is "enough" that warrants a release. I don't know if you have CanZE installed through the play store, but updating there is automatic. For manual updates, you'd have to follow the blog to be informed of new releases.

Again, if you would like us looking into this (and we love fixing bugs), we kindly request you to post as much details as possible, and do it in the issue tracker (i.e. screenprint and if the voltage heatmap works, because then we can exclude the dongle / car). Posting here will risk not being read, read later, not reaching the developer responsible and loosing other readers here because of overwhelming details about one issue.
Jeroen - ZOE Q210 Nov 2013 - PV powered - CanZE co-developer http://canze.fisch.lu

Re: OBD2 Diagnosegerät für Renault ZOE erhältlich!

  • Beiträge: 323
  • Registriert: Di 17. Mär 2015, 00:21
  • Wohnort: Lustenau
  • Hat sich bedankt: 26 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 14 Mal
Hi Jeroen!

It does not work for me, neither on phone nor on tablet, both with CanZE fresh installed from playstore.
Voltage heatmap O.K. on both.
Screen shot looks the same as yours, except the red, blue and green lines/dots, scaling is 3,4,5.

Manual updates: I would like to do, but what I read on github, seems to be far from my skills, I am no Android App Developer.
I will open a new issu (unable to reopen), with a reference to this thread.

Thank you taking my problem serious.

jmeijer hat geschrieben:Dera Manfred,

I can only say it works for my car - dongle - phone combination. There are always subtle differences that are sometimes hard to catch.

If you are up to it (but nobody expects this from you) you can get the source from github and have the day-to-day work. Otherwise, yeah, you have to wait until there is "enough" that warrants a release. I don't know if you have CanZE installed through the play store, but updating there is automatic. For manual updates, you'd have to follow the blog to be informed of new releases.

Again, if you would like us looking into this (and we love fixing bugs), we kindly request you to post as much details as possible, and do it in the issue tracker (i.e. screenprint and if the voltage heatmap works, because then we can exclude the dongle / car). Posting here will risk not being read, read later, not reaching the developer responsible and loosing other readers here because of overwhelming details about one issue.

Re: OBD2 Diagnosegerät für Renault ZOE erhältlich!

  • Beiträge: 339
  • Registriert: Sa 5. Nov 2016, 21:44
  • Hat sich bedankt: 156 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 73 Mal
tommy_z hat geschrieben:
Was bleibt, ist raten und selber testen. ZUSATZINFORMATIONEN 1407 = 8.35 kW unter LBC (Batteriesteuerung) könnte z. B. die maximal zulässige Energie sein, die das Ladegerät zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt zulässt. Ist die Batterie leer und einigermaßen warm, könnte das Ladegerät 43 kW zulassen (zumindest beim Conti-Motor), bei SOC 99% evtl. nur noch 3 kW. Man müsste einen Ladevorgang mit angeschlossenem Gerät monitoren und den LBC-Punkt 34 über die Zeit beobachten, um zu testen, ob diese Annahme stimmt.
das i907 macht nur was die Renault CLIP Konfiguration hergibt. Das kann dieses Pythonapp auch.

Das ist der 1407:
LBC DataRead 1407 Input Possible Power (After Restriction) Sendbyte 221407

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