Hacking Renault Zoe and other Renault vehicles (maybe also Nissan?)

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Re: Hacking Renault Zoe and other Renault vehicles (maybe also Nissan?)

  • Beiträge: 31
  • Registriert: Sa 9. Okt 2021, 14:09
  • Danke erhalten: 2 Mal
I found something here:
https://github.com/hacf-fr/renault-api/ ... i/const.py




I updated the app, but I don't understand if updates are immediately visible in published app, can you please check if you see a list of gigya keys in the app now?

Re: Hacking Renault Zoe and other Renault vehicles (maybe also Nissan?)

  • Beiträge: 31
  • Registriert: Sa 9. Okt 2021, 14:09
  • Danke erhalten: 2 Mal
MrTrebron hat geschrieben: Ok, so this is also not end-user-friendly.
What is benefit against the original app?
Main objective is to allow access to features not available in official app, such as:
- viewing complete error messages rather than "ops, something went wrong"
- reset HVAC schedule and set a new schedule without need to be in the vehicle
- set HVAC temperature (but a bug on my vehicle automatically always reset it to 21°C...)
- setup HVAC start at a single specific date/time (not affecting schedule)
- download charges history

All above features have been already successfully tested in javascript version of the app.

Some additional features appears to be available in the Renault server but protected by a further security layer based on "SRP authentication" (currently under investigation):
- door lock/unlock
- windows open/close
- horn activation
- lights activation
- trips history

But it is also possible that these are only available for Nissan vehicles.

Re: Hacking Renault Zoe and other Renault vehicles (maybe also Nissan?)

  • Beiträge: 370
  • Registriert: Mo 15. Apr 2019, 07:10
  • Hat sich bedankt: 688 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 135 Mal
Which JavaScript App? You mean that copy & paste thing that sends the credentials unsecured to a PHP-script?

The "features" are all tested in several apps you can find at GitHub. Nothing new from your side, except no user experience.

Likewise I have to install the App Inventor App and load than your app. Not very user-friendly

Re: Hacking Renault Zoe and other Renault vehicles (maybe also Nissan?)

  • Beiträge: 31
  • Registriert: Sa 9. Okt 2021, 14:09
  • Danke erhalten: 2 Mal
I can you give the precompiled APK... but you will not install it because you do not trust it.
I see a lot of criticism but no solutions or suggestions.

Re: Hacking Renault Zoe and other Renault vehicles (maybe also Nissan?)

  • Beiträge: 370
  • Registriert: Mo 15. Apr 2019, 07:10
  • Hat sich bedankt: 688 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 135 Mal
Ahem, I am not the one who spit big words.

And I think I already suggested some things, but Okay.
Your code should be OpenSource, hosted at GitHub, Bitbucket or something where everybody is able to view, download and create Issues / Pull requests.
If you want ist user friendly, then make a user-friendly installation routine.
If you want it user-friendly, then create a user-friendly interface. Not a collection of controls without any UX/UI.
Don't use a unsecured connections. Don't store user-data in plain-text.
Write clean code, except it is a kind of testing branch, but your main should always be clean

Maybe you should think about your goals?
You want to dig into the API? Wonderful. Create a Repo at a hoster and push your information.
If you want something user-friendly? Then let ist look like it is user-friendly and has some benefits against the original app.
Maybe you should define your app-target devices and choose a programming language that fits your target. Cause there are ait off implementations of Renault API at GitHub.
There is one targeting IOS devices with a special app that let's you run JavaScript locally at your device.

Re: Hacking Renault Zoe and other Renault vehicles (maybe also Nissan?)

  • Beiträge: 31
  • Registriert: Sa 9. Okt 2021, 14:09
  • Danke erhalten: 2 Mal
Your code should be OpenSource, hosted at GitHub, Bitbucket or something where everybody is able to view, download and create Issues / Pull requests.
Done. You find Javascript and PHP sources on github, and Appinventor source... well, in Appinventor.
If you want ist user friendly, then make a user-friendly installation routine.
Done. I have an APK ready for installation. Will you install it?
If you want it user-friendly, then create a user-friendly interface. Not a collection of controls without any UX/UI.
Done in ApInventor: just paste your credentials, click 2 buttons and you have your vehicle data.
Don't use a unsecured connections.
Done, Appinventor app use HTTPS.
Don't store user-data in plain-text.
Done, I don't store anything.
Write clean code, except it is a kind of testing branch, but your main should always be clean
This is an experiment, already working fine for me; if it cannot work for anybody else due to limitations which I can't know/understand/solve, why bothering with "clean" version?
That's why I am looking for beta tester.
Maybe you should think about your goals?
Done, listed in previous messages.
You want to dig into the API? Wonderful. Create a Repo at a hoster and push your information.
Are you repeating same things?...
If you want something user-friendly? Then let ist look like it is user-friendly and has some benefits against the original app.
...yes, you are just repeating...

Maybe you should define your app-target devices and choose a programming language that fits your target. Cause there are ait off implementations of Renault API at GitHub.
There is one targeting IOS devices with a special app that let's you run JavaScript locally at your device.
I am experimenting with 3 different languages.

Now, as you see, you have just complains, no suggestions, no feedback, no testing, no improvements, no results, all of your posts are just noise.

That said....

...is anybody ELSE interested in beta-testing the Appinventor app to get data not available in official app?


Re: Hacking Renault Zoe and other Renault vehicles (maybe also Nissan?)

  • Beiträge: 31
  • Registriert: Sa 9. Okt 2021, 14:09
  • Danke erhalten: 2 Mal
Zuletzt geändert von jumpjack am Di 28. Dez 2021, 17:00, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Re: Hacking Renault Zoe and other Renault vehicles (maybe also Nissan?)

  • Beiträge: 31
  • Registriert: Sa 9. Okt 2021, 14:09
  • Danke erhalten: 2 Mal
APK attached, use it at your own risk. Source code available here: https://gallery.appinventor.mit.edu/?ga ... ead07c2545
Datei RenaultDroid_1.zip
(3.39 MiB) 28-mal heruntergeladen

Re: Hacking Renault Zoe and other Renault vehicles (maybe also Nissan?)

  • Beiträge: 370
  • Registriert: Mo 15. Apr 2019, 07:10
  • Hat sich bedankt: 688 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 135 Mal
Nope, still won't install your APK.
The Screenshot at App Inventor looks like the App is still in early Alpha stage.
Also I have seen your JavaScript/PHP approach and so your are not trustworthy to me at he moment.

And also I am not your target group. I am using my own implementation within my own ecosystem.

But maybe if I have a little bit of time I will have a look at your App with App Inventor.
And after giving you feedback to your JavaScript approach you will get feedback about your App Inventor approach.

If you are looking for Beta testers, maybe you should announce it not like a release ;)

Re: Hacking Renault Zoe and other Renault vehicles (maybe also Nissan?)

  • Athlon
  • Beiträge: 4110
  • Registriert: So 29. Okt 2017, 13:35
  • Wohnort: Zwickau/Mosel
  • Hat sich bedankt: 600 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 1454 Mal
jumpjack hat geschrieben: I updated the app, but I don't understand if updates are immediately visible in published app, can you please check if you see a list of gigya keys in the app now?
No keys to choose in the new app. I tryed per c&p but nothing work.
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