AGT - DC103M
BetreiberTEA Mobilitás Kft.
TEApontalle TEApont Ladesäulen
A Hungarian charging service provider that is extremely popular among motorists and tries to serve its customers with higher performance and more favorable prices.
KostenLaden kostenpflichtig
Parken kostenlos
The charging station charges for cleanly charged kWh.
Freischaltung / BezahlungRFID-Karte (Betreiber / Roaming)
Mit diesen Angeboten / Ladekarten kann die Ladesäule genutzt werden
alle passenden Angebote Anschlüsse Ladesäule 1 #160136AGT - DC103M
Combo Typ 2 (CCS) EU #556723
100 kW (500 Volt, 252 Ampere)
Pull the connector down firmly, then push it into its holder until it clicks when charging is complete.
100 kW (500 Volt, 252 Ampere)
Pull the connector down firmly, then push it into its holder until it clicks when charging is complete.
CHAdeMO #556724
50 kW (500 Volt, 125 Ampere)
Press the white button on the connector and keep it pressed. This is how you can pull the connector out of its holder.
50 kW (500 Volt, 125 Ampere)
Press the white button on the connector and keep it pressed. This is how you can pull the connector out of its holder.
Typ 2 Dose #556725
22 kW (400 Volt, 32 Ampere)
Start from the "Teapont" mobil application or roaming partner app.
Own charging cable required.
22 kW (400 Volt, 32 Ampere)
Start from the "Teapont" mobil application or roaming partner app.
Own charging cable required.
keine erfolgreiche Ladung gespeichert
vollständiges Ladelog Ladung eintragen Störungenes liegt keine Störungsmeldung vor
Störung melden ÖffnungszeitenRund um die Uhr nutzbar
Lagebeschreibunglinks neben dem Restaurants
Jegesjeles am 5. Mai 2024 um 07:35
Perfekt Charging Station ✅