Aus dem UK Forum: 8% range increase and 107 kW charging imminent?

Aus dem UK Forum: 8% range increase and 107 kW charging imminent?


This post was earlier today submitted by new user "JaguarNorge" (Jaguar Norway) on I ran it through Google Translate:
"In connection with the Drivers Experience event we had at Rudskogen Motorsenter in September, we had a visit by the chief engineer of I-PACE Stephen Boulter. He has been able to answer some questions from both customers and interested parties. Below we highlight some of the points listed in the starting thread.

- Infotainment is not made by JLR, but by a third party
The infotainment system comes from other model lines and is therefore not developed specifically for I-PACE.
Due to many extra functions around battery management, charging and the like. the amount of data and processes is significantly higher than for other models. This means that Engineering is working on improvements that will optimize the speed of processing this data by prioritizing tasks and removing irrelevant processes. But the upgrades depend on national standards and equipment variants.

- SOTA currently handles only Infotainment. More modules will come later.
This is absolutely right. Already this year there will be a physical update to be made at the dealer. It will open up for more updates via SOTA. Specifically, from Stephen Boulter, the following will happen:

1. In October we will inform all existing I-Pace customers about a significant new SW update. Through a mixture of real customer data harvesting and a dedicated development fleet, we have been optimizing the Jaguar I-Pace to make a number of improvements:
• Improved Regenerative Braking:
Regen can now operate at lower speeds and is stronger at higher SoC. This im- proves the 1 pedal driving experience and efficiency.

The battery management, charging module and telematics unit will be updateable over the air.
Efficiency: *
We have improved the efficiency of the I-Pace in real world driving conditions, resulting in range improvements of up to 8%. Some of the improvements are particularly effective in cold temperatures:
In ECO mode, the torque split is optimized for better efficiency
Higher depth of discharge in the battery
Optimized cooling strategy to enable the active vanes to be closed more of the time
Improved cell balancing strategy
Prioritize heat recovery from ambient at start up, this allows the vehicle to reach optimum operating temperature sooner
Reduce use of high voltage heater

- Improved charging curve coming (100 kW over a longer register)
Jaguar Land Rover has been conservative around DC charging from the start. This has been to protect the battery, but after 1 year of experience and data collection it opens up to be able to charge more efficiently. Depending on the car's status (especially state of charge and battery temperature), charging efficiency is defined from a look-up table stored in the BCCM (Battery Charging Control Module). When conditions are optimal (battery temperature 30 degrees and tate of Charge below 10%), BCCM will ask the charging station for 107 kW. In all other cases, the charging speed will be lower and cannot be maintained for long periods. In countries like Norway, the battery rarely reaches 30 degrees. But with large amounts of data collected and experience from test cars and with over 800,000 kilometers driven, Engineering is almost ready for optimizations that will provide more efficient charging. In particular, one should focus on loosening up the requirements for temperature and State of Charge.

- In general, JLR is very focused on improved charging and efficiency (range)
This is correct. Engineering is already focusing this year on improving the efficiency of charging.

- To fully replenish the battery, the battery must be given the necessary time to balance the cells. You can 'lose' more kWh if you charge the charging cable too early even when the car reports to be full. Smarter balancing algorithms are being worked on to reduce this 'problem'.
This is correct, it is something that most electric car manufacturers work with and there will be ongoing optimizations via SOTA.

- The maximum theoretical charging speed for I-Pace is 107 kW.
This is also true.

- There will be an update at the end of this month.
This update is scheduled to come this month."

Re: Aus dem UK Forum: 8% range increase and 107 kW charging imminent?

Danke für den Hinweis. Gibt es für dieses Update einen Code-Namen oder Nummer?

Jaguar I-Pace 85kWh | Renault Zoe 52kWh | Mennekes Amtron Xtra 22

Re: Aus dem UK Forum: 8% range increase and 107 kW charging imminent?

  • Beiträge: 79
  • Registriert: Di 4. Sep 2018, 21:29
  • Hat sich bedankt: 16 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 15 Mal
stefferber hat geschrieben: Danke für den Hinweis. Gibt es für dieses Update einen Code-Namen oder Nummer?
Derweil ist keiner bekannt, die komischen 101E, 102E, 103E weiß keiner so richtig zuzuordnen (zumindest bei meiner Werkstatt). Habe heute nachgefragt und momentan gibt es noch keinen Code/keine Nummer dafür. Aktuell geht man davon aus, dass es im Jänner kommenden Jahres kommen wird.
Liebe Grüße, Didi

Jaaag EV400 ...

Re: Aus dem UK Forum: 8% range increase and 107 kW charging imminent?

Das Update hat die Code Nr. H 264 und ist für alle bisher ausgelieferten Fahrzeuge vorgesehen. Meiner geht nächste Woche zum Händler. Werde dann berichten, was sich geändert hat...
Jaguar i-Pace HSE, Corris Grey, MJ 20

Re: Aus dem UK Forum: 8% range increase and 107 kW charging imminent?

  • Beiträge: 79
  • Registriert: Di 4. Sep 2018, 21:29
  • Hat sich bedankt: 16 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 15 Mal
Pastatrain hat geschrieben: Das Update hat die Code Nr. H 264 und ist für alle bisher ausgelieferten Fahrzeuge vorgesehen. Meiner geht nächste Woche zum Händler. Werde dann berichten, was sich geändert hat...
:) Meiner bekommt das Update auch kommende Woche, bin gespannt, was es bringen wird.
Liebe Grüße, Didi

Jaaag EV400 ...

Re: Aus dem UK Forum: 8% range increase and 107 kW charging imminent?

  • Beiträge: 65
  • Registriert: Fr 29. Dez 2017, 12:26
  • Hat sich bedankt: 9 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 22 Mal
Ich bringe meinen auch nächste Woche zum Händler :)
Habe gestern an der Ionity 350KW Ladesäule gerade mal mit 53KW laden können. Hach ca. 20 min waren es noch 22 KW
Skoda Eniaq 80iV, Kia Soul EV, Nissan eNV 200, Jaguar I-Pace +++

Re: Aus dem UK Forum: 8% range increase and 107 kW charging imminent?

  • Beiträge: 79
  • Registriert: Di 4. Sep 2018, 21:29
  • Hat sich bedankt: 16 Mal
  • Danke erhalten: 15 Mal
Pinzi-Udo hat geschrieben: Ich bringe meinen auch nächste Woche zum Händler :)
Habe gestern an der Ionity 350KW Ladesäule gerade mal mit 53KW laden können. Hach ca. 20 min waren es noch 22 KW
Das ist komisch, mit den Ionity 350kw Ladern hatte ich bislang keine Probleme. Die 100kw auf längere Zeit erreicht er nicht so wie beworben, da soll es ja noch ein Update geben und ist ja allgemein bekannt. Aber sonst lädt meiner schon mit bisschen über 80kw, ab ca. 80% SoC geht die Ladeleistung halt runter, aber das ist bei den anderen Herstellern/Fahrzeugen auch so.

Wie war dein SoC nach den genannten 20 min, warst du vielleicht bereits bei über 90%?
Liebe Grüße, Didi

Jaaag EV400 ...

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